Just go out and see Capote.
Philip Seymour Hoffman is amazing.
dimecres, de novembre 30, 2005
dilluns, de novembre 28, 2005
Yeah buddy
Thanksgiving was good. I yieded my room to my sister and her husband, and I stayed at my brother's house. Good times. I got to see all of my nieces and nephews.
As if thanksgiving wasn't enough, the 12 of us went to Buca di Beppo on fri. night to eat some more family style.
I met a friend at the MFAH; saw a superb showing of Basquiat. really neat. Dinner at one of my in-the-city standbys. Terrific pot pie.
Thanksgiving dinner is never as good as it's built up to be beforehand. But still good. More of the same in a month.
There's already enough snow in Toronto to build a fort, apparently. I cannot wait.
I bought the original Æon Flux DVD. I'm really excited. really. I vaguely remember watching it when it was on MTV years and years ago.
I saw the Family Guy movie, and i was disappointed.
There's hip hop emanating from the bathroom across the hall but the sound is garbled. pops and whistles
I only have a couple weeks of school left. Finals the week after school is supposedly 'over.' almost...
I want to see capote rull bad.
mm hmmm...

Bravo, sir. No, really. good job

As if thanksgiving wasn't enough, the 12 of us went to Buca di Beppo on fri. night to eat some more family style.
I met a friend at the MFAH; saw a superb showing of Basquiat. really neat. Dinner at one of my in-the-city standbys. Terrific pot pie.
Thanksgiving dinner is never as good as it's built up to be beforehand. But still good. More of the same in a month.
There's already enough snow in Toronto to build a fort, apparently. I cannot wait.
I bought the original Æon Flux DVD. I'm really excited. really. I vaguely remember watching it when it was on MTV years and years ago.
I saw the Family Guy movie, and i was disappointed.
There's hip hop emanating from the bathroom across the hall but the sound is garbled. pops and whistles
I only have a couple weeks of school left. Finals the week after school is supposedly 'over.' almost...
I want to see capote rull bad.
mm hmmm...

Bravo, sir. No, really. good job

dilluns, de novembre 21, 2005
being a design student rocks. I found a stencil painting in the street; remarkable in its detail. Hopefully the plague isn't on it.
I gave some money to a pan handler for the first time yesterday; it felt good at first, but then i realized that he probably lied to me so he could buy some scag. Oh well. He seemed surprised to get the money. Last night, some drag rats asked a couple of girls if they had any spare change. Like the fools they are, the girls said, "no, sorry, no spare change." the homeless guy blew a whistle really loud, said: "TEN YARD PENALTY, LYING TO THE HOMELSS PEOPLE." On my way back to studio i was startled by a drunk bum in a group of others; he was yelling obscenities at another guy down the sidewalk that usually sleeps there with his dog. Theres supposed to be some new laws being put into place that will outlaw panhandling and sleeping on the sidewalk. hmmmm. Personally, i like being a little scared sometimes when i walk around.
I leave wednesday for home, which will be full of people. Turkey, mmmmm
I like his shoes I like his hat
I'd like me better if I looked like that
uh -huh uh-huh
I like her shoes I like her hat
I'd like you better if you looked like that
uh-huh uh-huh
but then my love starts burning
for what we are yearning to ignore
I like her clothes I love her dress
I'd like her better if she loved me best
I like his shoes I love his pants
I'd want him better if he wanted to dance
uh-huh uh-huh
but then our love starts turning
for what we are learning to adore
I'm meeting people nice people too
I'm meeting people nice people like you
we're meeting people nice people too
we're meeting people nice people like you

uh-huh, thanks


I gave some money to a pan handler for the first time yesterday; it felt good at first, but then i realized that he probably lied to me so he could buy some scag. Oh well. He seemed surprised to get the money. Last night, some drag rats asked a couple of girls if they had any spare change. Like the fools they are, the girls said, "no, sorry, no spare change." the homeless guy blew a whistle really loud, said: "TEN YARD PENALTY, LYING TO THE HOMELSS PEOPLE." On my way back to studio i was startled by a drunk bum in a group of others; he was yelling obscenities at another guy down the sidewalk that usually sleeps there with his dog. Theres supposed to be some new laws being put into place that will outlaw panhandling and sleeping on the sidewalk. hmmmm. Personally, i like being a little scared sometimes when i walk around.
I leave wednesday for home, which will be full of people. Turkey, mmmmm
I like his shoes I like his hat
I'd like me better if I looked like that
uh -huh uh-huh
I like her shoes I like her hat
I'd like you better if you looked like that
uh-huh uh-huh
but then my love starts burning
for what we are yearning to ignore
I like her clothes I love her dress
I'd like her better if she loved me best
I like his shoes I love his pants
I'd want him better if he wanted to dance
uh-huh uh-huh
but then our love starts turning
for what we are learning to adore
I'm meeting people nice people too
I'm meeting people nice people like you
we're meeting people nice people too
we're meeting people nice people like you

uh-huh, thanks



dijous, de novembre 17, 2005
I'm your huckleberry

Smile like a sun, back over time
Crazy fr you, pleasure is mine
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
You’re coming thru, even it up
Going too far, try understand
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
Whisper kiss yr ear, I’ll tell you what I fear
Whisper the kisses in yr ear, I’ll tell you what I fear
Come on home, just ain’t fair
Name of rock’n’roll, where love dies
Couldn’t find a soul, tell it like it is
Deep down inside, drunken butterfly
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what’s your name?
dilluns, de novembre 14, 2005
Sick video
I saw Jarhead over the weekend.
Movies have changed so much. I don't know how to put it; they seem to look more like animation. Perfect in appearance. and fluid.
Mel Brooks is doing a new version of The Producers. It should be good, if only because will ferrell is in it. matthew broderick and nathan lane are poor replacements for gene wilder and zero mostel. I mean, c'moooooooon maaaaaaan.
Thanksgiving, the great day of fantasy-as-history delusions. I hope i'm there when my sister comes home talking about christopher columbus and all those nice old conquistadors.Thats not even his name, for chrissakes.
I think aqua teen hunger force series 4 has been released. hafta pick that up.
this is a poem, btw
0 lovely apple!
beautifully and completely
hardly a contour marred-
perhaps a little
shrivelled at the top but that
aside perfect
in every detail! 0 lovely
apple! what a
deep and suffusing brown
mantles that
unspoiled surface! No one
has moved you
since I placed you on the porch
rail a month ago
to ripen.
No one. No one!
William Carlos Williams

Sick video
I saw Jarhead over the weekend.
Movies have changed so much. I don't know how to put it; they seem to look more like animation. Perfect in appearance. and fluid.
Mel Brooks is doing a new version of The Producers. It should be good, if only because will ferrell is in it. matthew broderick and nathan lane are poor replacements for gene wilder and zero mostel. I mean, c'moooooooon maaaaaaan.
Thanksgiving, the great day of fantasy-as-history delusions. I hope i'm there when my sister comes home talking about christopher columbus and all those nice old conquistadors.Thats not even his name, for chrissakes.
I think aqua teen hunger force series 4 has been released. hafta pick that up.
this is a poem, btw
0 lovely apple!
beautifully and completely
hardly a contour marred-
perhaps a little
shrivelled at the top but that
aside perfect
in every detail! 0 lovely
apple! what a
deep and suffusing brown
mantles that
unspoiled surface! No one
has moved you
since I placed you on the porch
rail a month ago
to ripen.
No one. No one!
William Carlos Williams

diumenge, de novembre 13, 2005
dimecres, de novembre 09, 2005
Bitter defeat
Well conservatives, are you happy? You have established a lovely legal precedent here. With the passage of proposition 2, you have managed to add bigotry to the TX constitution. Constitutional amendments have heretofore been used to expand civil rights; giving citizenship to slaves, suffrage to women, etc. But now, for the first time, an amendment has taken away rights. Gay marriage was already illegal in Texas, so now, I guess it's VERY illegal? Thats right, according to our state constitution, marriage is now strictly defined as a union between a man and a woman. Way to nip that judicial activism thing in the bud, guys, bravo.
There was only one county in the entire state that voted against it,and that's Travis county, where I live. One lonely bit of blue in a sea of red.
We got the first part of our final design project today; we have to design an underground space for reading/studying, and a groundlevel area for gathering, and an above ground space for viewing the stars. It should be fun.
Rothko's 'Homage to Matisse' sold at Christie's for $22.4M. I had a chance to see this painting when it was in Houston a couple of years ago, and it is by far one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen, certainly my favorite Rothko.
I made a replica of Santiago Calatrava's condo tower in Malmo, Sweden this morning; it was cool. I've made several things in studio out of boredom,and it's kind of funny that I'm usually more excited about these things than I am about my legitimate projects.
Google earth is so awesome.
…………………..,-‘´ . . . _,,,,,';:-,…………………………
………………..,-(c\ \;-=´,_,-~-, \…………………………
…………….…,/ . . .¯'\, º ,/.‘-~°,‘ .¯’-,……………………
…….... ...../ . . . . . .¯,_ ~--~’,, . . .'\.…………….…
………….…..| . . . . . . . . ¯¨¨¨¨¯,/ .. .| ………………
………….....| . . . . . . . , . . . .’-, . . . .|.………………
……………./\ . . . . . . .”-,,,-‘~-~’ . .. '/.…………………
………….,/’\,’-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\……….……………
………..,/’ ,- ’-, ’-, . . . . . . . . . . ,-‘´,/\……………………
………./’ ,/• • • •’-,• ’~-.,,,__ ._,-‘´,-‘´ ¡ •\…….…………
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……,/’’(\• • • • • • • • • , • • • • •\• • • • • •\• \,………….
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…/ • • |\,• •’~-,,,_,,-´) • • • • • • • •\ • • • • • ’\/|………
..|’ • • •| .’-,_ • • • • / • • • • • • • • •o’\ • • • • • \|………
..|, • • • \. . . .””´/ • • • • • • • • • • • |• • • • • •|………
…;,_ • \,. . . . . .'|• • • • • • • • • • • •/• • • • •,/| ...……
….|-,~-( . . . . . . |• • • • • • • • • •º /• • •,-;-/’•| …………
….\ :¯';› . ,. ., . ,|~’~-.,,,,,,,.--~´-,~’’´,,-| ./…..………
……\, :(_,-‘_,-‘ ,-‘’’~~~-------‘~----~’´¯¯ :,/’´………………
…….\, : :¯ '’´´ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,-´……….……………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : : :_,-‘ : : : : : |´………...……………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : ¡‘’´ : : : : : : : |………….………………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : : '|………….………………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : | : : : : :_,,,_,|…………….……………
………!: : : :_,.-~’’’´¯’~,,,.-~’´ • . • .’-,…………………………
………|’”´´¯ . • . • . • . • .\• . • . • . • . • |……………………
………’~-,_ . • . • . • . •_,/’~~----------~’…………………….
I see danger
On the corner sent by me
Shadows the ways
Straight away you ran from me
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
I hear silence
I hear silence in my heart (house)
From a distance
Turn your back and run (hide) from me
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
When it happens
You will be no friend of mine
Take the first chance
When I am no longer free
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
In the future
When you want me in your heart
I won't be there (help you)
If you call out in the dark
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Oh yes I heard you, heard you, heard you, heard you calling
Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Oh, can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings i can't hide
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you head me calling you
THE painting: (it doesn't do it justice, of course)

My new Facebook picture:

There was only one county in the entire state that voted against it,and that's Travis county, where I live. One lonely bit of blue in a sea of red.
We got the first part of our final design project today; we have to design an underground space for reading/studying, and a groundlevel area for gathering, and an above ground space for viewing the stars. It should be fun.
Rothko's 'Homage to Matisse' sold at Christie's for $22.4M. I had a chance to see this painting when it was in Houston a couple of years ago, and it is by far one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen, certainly my favorite Rothko.
I made a replica of Santiago Calatrava's condo tower in Malmo, Sweden this morning; it was cool. I've made several things in studio out of boredom,and it's kind of funny that I'm usually more excited about these things than I am about my legitimate projects.
Google earth is so awesome.
…………………..,-‘´ . . . _,,,,,';:-,…………………………
………………..,-(c\ \;-=´,_,-~-, \…………………………
…………….…,/ . . .¯'\, º ,/.‘-~°,‘ .¯’-,……………………
…….... ...../ . . . . . .¯,_ ~--~’,, . . .'\.…………….…
………….…..| . . . . . . . . ¯¨¨¨¨¯,/ .. .| ………………
………….....| . . . . . . . , . . . .’-, . . . .|.………………
……………./\ . . . . . . .”-,,,-‘~-~’ . .. '/.…………………
………….,/’\,’-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\……….……………
………..,/’ ,- ’-, ’-, . . . . . . . . . . ,-‘´,/\……………………
………./’ ,/• • • •’-,• ’~-.,,,__ ._,-‘´,-‘´ ¡ •\…….…………
………/ /’• • • • • • •’~-.,,_(´ \/´)-'‘´ • • \, \………………
……,/’’(\• • • • • • • • • , • • • • •\• • • • • •\• \,………….
….,/’ •(‘\-, • • • • • • •/• • • • • • o’\• • • • • •‘\/’•}………
…/ • • |\,• •’~-,,,_,,-´) • • • • • • • •\ • • • • • ’\/|………
..|’ • • •| .’-,_ • • • • / • • • • • • • • •o’\ • • • • • \|………
..|, • • • \. . . .””´/ • • • • • • • • • • • |• • • • • •|………
…;,_ • \,. . . . . .'|• • • • • • • • • • • •/• • • • •,/| ...……
….|-,~-( . . . . . . |• • • • • • • • • •º /• • •,-;-/’•| …………
….\ :¯';› . ,. ., . ,|~’~-.,,,,,,,.--~´-,~’’´,,-| ./…..………
……\, :(_,-‘_,-‘ ,-‘’’~~~-------‘~----~’´¯¯ :,/’´………………
…….\, : :¯ '’´´ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,-´……….……………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : : :_,-‘ : : : : : |´………...……………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : ¡‘’´ : : : : : : : |………….………………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : | : : : : : : : : '|………….………………
………|: : : : : : : : : : : | : : : : :_,,,_,|…………….……………
………!: : : :_,.-~’’’´¯’~,,,.-~’´ • . • .’-,…………………………
………|’”´´¯ . • . • . • . • .\• . • . • . • . • |……………………
………’~-,_ . • . • . • . •_,/’~~----------~’…………………….
I see danger
On the corner sent by me
Shadows the ways
Straight away you ran from me
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
I hear silence
I hear silence in my heart (house)
From a distance
Turn your back and run (hide) from me
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
When it happens
You will be no friend of mine
Take the first chance
When I am no longer free
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
In the future
When you want me in your heart
I won't be there (help you)
If you call out in the dark
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Oh yes I heard you, heard you, heard you, heard you calling
Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Oh, can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings i can't hide
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you head me calling you
THE painting: (it doesn't do it justice, of course)

My new Facebook picture:

diumenge, de novembre 06, 2005
oh no
You might have noticed in the last week or so that I deleted my other blog. I made it out of sheer frustration and a bit of disdain, and have deleted it in sorrowful shame. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you needn't read the rest of this.
Making that blog was very mean, and I sincerely apologize. Now that i find my life in it's current pathetic state (i seriously think i need a regular dose of prozac) i realized that for me to sit up on an exalted pedestal and look down my nose at someone else was the epitome of hypocrisy, and now i feel like shit.
not sure how appropriate this is (i know you like Becquer, who doesn't?), but whatEVER:
Como se arranca el hierro de una herida
Su amor de las entrañas me arranqué,
¡Aunque sentí al hacerlo que la vida
Me arrancaba con él!.
Del altar que le alcé en el alma mía
La voluntad su imagen arrojó,
Y la luz de la fe que en ella ardía
Ante el ara desierta se apagó.
Aún turbando en la noche el firme empeño
Vive en la idea la visión tenaz
¡Cuándo podré dormir con ese sueño
En que acaba el soñar!.
Making that blog was very mean, and I sincerely apologize. Now that i find my life in it's current pathetic state (i seriously think i need a regular dose of prozac) i realized that for me to sit up on an exalted pedestal and look down my nose at someone else was the epitome of hypocrisy, and now i feel like shit.
not sure how appropriate this is (i know you like Becquer, who doesn't?), but whatEVER:
Como se arranca el hierro de una herida
Su amor de las entrañas me arranqué,
¡Aunque sentí al hacerlo que la vida
Me arrancaba con él!.
Del altar que le alcé en el alma mía
La voluntad su imagen arrojó,
Y la luz de la fe que en ella ardía
Ante el ara desierta se apagó.
Aún turbando en la noche el firme empeño
Vive en la idea la visión tenaz
¡Cuándo podré dormir con ese sueño
En que acaba el soñar!.
Friday the freshmen ARCHies went on a little field trip to see the "Wonder Cave" in San Marcos. I would really like my $7.50 back. This was not one of those cool caverns with stalagmites, etc. It was a big rocky hole under the ground. The coolest part was 1) learning about the aquifer underneath, 2) the fossils in the cieling, 3) the tower that allowed us a 360 view of beautiful San Marcos, and 4) the giant cheeseburger w/ bacon and jalapenos that i destroyed at Whataburger later. The trip was supposed to be a preparation/inspiration for our final design project, which will have something to do with the subterranean environment. However, we came no closer to learning about the final; we received our next project (due tommorrow) in which we will have to manipulate some of the photos we took in the cave. I'm so excited I could cry blood. Although, i guess this sort of project is better than one in which we would have to build something. i only have to play around on photoshop and print some stuff out.
Roy came up to visit this weekend. That was fun.
I found a song that I heard in the silence of the lambs, that i've been wanting a copy of. Its the song thats playing while the girl in the hole is trying to pull the dog down and bill is putting on makeup and dancing about. Every time i see the actor that played Buffalo Bill (he's in Monk, and had a part in Heat) i always think of what he says to himself while he puts on his lipstick and I laugh. A lot.
I discovered the Independent Film Channel over the weekend, and I fell in love. I watched a movie called: "Series 7: The Contenders." It was the craziest, and therefore one of the best movies I have ever seen. Its basically meant to look like a marathon for a fictional reality TV show in which 5 people are chosen randomly, given weapons and are forced to kill one another. The last one left alive wins. Despite the morbid subject, it's a very funny movie. I won't tell you what i thought was funnest because you might think i'm twisted, if you didn't already.
At first flash of Eden
We race down to the sea
Standing there on freedom's shore
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun.
Waiting for the sun
Waiting,, waiting,, waiting,, waiting, waiting,, waiting,,
waiting,, waiting
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to hear my song
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong
This is the strangest life I've ever known
Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun.
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun

The view out of my window:

Roy came up to visit this weekend. That was fun.
I found a song that I heard in the silence of the lambs, that i've been wanting a copy of. Its the song thats playing while the girl in the hole is trying to pull the dog down and bill is putting on makeup and dancing about. Every time i see the actor that played Buffalo Bill (he's in Monk, and had a part in Heat) i always think of what he says to himself while he puts on his lipstick and I laugh. A lot.
I discovered the Independent Film Channel over the weekend, and I fell in love. I watched a movie called: "Series 7: The Contenders." It was the craziest, and therefore one of the best movies I have ever seen. Its basically meant to look like a marathon for a fictional reality TV show in which 5 people are chosen randomly, given weapons and are forced to kill one another. The last one left alive wins. Despite the morbid subject, it's a very funny movie. I won't tell you what i thought was funnest because you might think i'm twisted, if you didn't already.
At first flash of Eden
We race down to the sea
Standing there on freedom's shore
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun.
Waiting for the sun
Waiting,, waiting,, waiting,, waiting, waiting,, waiting,,
waiting,, waiting
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to hear my song
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong
This is the strangest life I've ever known
Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun.
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun

The view out of my window:

dimarts, de novembre 01, 2005
It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again.
I think i should watch a movie everyday. that might be good. Silence of the lambs was last night, if you hadn't guessed already.
Well this morning in Viscomm we did live nude sketches. Our model... was probably about 70 years old and bald. Part of me died when he removed that robe. I know I should've been a bit more mature about it, and i was; i drew him for 2 and a half fucking hours. But despite my determination, it's really hard for me to not laugh a bit and crack jokes; i was not expecting to see old man penis this morning. I talked to my roommate; he did not have to do this last year. He made me confirm at least 3 times that i was in fact serious and not pulling his leg. Several times after I finished a sketch, i would draw someone committing suicide. Not because i wanted to; it is just a good allegory for my outright despair at my situation. I mean, i've seen Schindler's List, but shit, that was so unnecessary.
Today I sent my stepmom her birthday present. I think she'll like it. I must say, although it's just as useful in a material sense (maybe even less so) as a card, it's soooo much better.
I have no homework, and nothing to do for design tommorrow, and I just don't know what to do.
Oh well, i guess thats it for this half-assed post.
Tive razão, posso falar
Não foi legal, não pegou bem
Que vontade de chorar, dói
Em pensar que ela não vem, so dói
Mas pra mim ta tranquilo, eu vou zoar
O clima é de partida
Vou dar sequência na vida
De bobeira que eu não estou
E você sabe como é que é
Eu vou, mas poderei voltar quando você quiser
Demorou, vai ser melhor
Architecture is just so neat, i don't know what to do.
A tour of 3 Texas cities:

Well this morning in Viscomm we did live nude sketches. Our model... was probably about 70 years old and bald. Part of me died when he removed that robe. I know I should've been a bit more mature about it, and i was; i drew him for 2 and a half fucking hours. But despite my determination, it's really hard for me to not laugh a bit and crack jokes; i was not expecting to see old man penis this morning. I talked to my roommate; he did not have to do this last year. He made me confirm at least 3 times that i was in fact serious and not pulling his leg. Several times after I finished a sketch, i would draw someone committing suicide. Not because i wanted to; it is just a good allegory for my outright despair at my situation. I mean, i've seen Schindler's List, but shit, that was so unnecessary.
Today I sent my stepmom her birthday present. I think she'll like it. I must say, although it's just as useful in a material sense (maybe even less so) as a card, it's soooo much better.
I have no homework, and nothing to do for design tommorrow, and I just don't know what to do.
Oh well, i guess thats it for this half-assed post.
Tive razão, posso falar
Não foi legal, não pegou bem
Que vontade de chorar, dói
Em pensar que ela não vem, so dói
Mas pra mim ta tranquilo, eu vou zoar
O clima é de partida
Vou dar sequência na vida
De bobeira que eu não estou
E você sabe como é que é
Eu vou, mas poderei voltar quando você quiser
Demorou, vai ser melhor
Architecture is just so neat, i don't know what to do.
A tour of 3 Texas cities:

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