bored in the new house.
My stepmom's dog died last night.
Some people think i should get a job this summer. I dunno.
I'm taking calculus at a local community college that is lined up perfectly with one of the runways at the airport. When I went to register i got to see a KLM 747 fly low right over my head. It was so sweet. I love planes.
Day after tommorrow is my birthday. I will be 19.
My dad showed me how to add movies to the queue on his blockbuster account. We will be receiving some excellent films this summer, and i am quite enthused.
I ordered 2 new pocketknives; a spyderco and a benchmade. huzzah.
Our little trip to South Padre was nice. The island was pretty much deserted until friday. We got there monday. My new favorite beverage is finlandia with diet kiwi-strawberry soda.
I'm only doing this because for some reason it seems necessary.
i want to learn more about quantum physics. I should read QED; i've had it for 2 or 3 years now.
I'm currently reading 'Point Counter Point,' which is supposed to be Aldous Huxley's finest novel. I think it probably is, though i have only Brave New World and The Doors of Perception for comparison. I have so many fucking books on my shelves that haven't been read. And i keep getting new ones.
I'm haunted nowadays by a sickening idleness. I feel so bored, like i should be doing something. But WHAT?! theres nothing to do but spend money I don't have on shit i don't need.
So i've been reading a lot. It has been raining all week and tonight there was an eery fog over the lake and the forest on the other side. I hope to god they never build houses over there.
And our new modem came in, but the new wireless router disagrees with my laptop, so i've been using my dad's computer.
I really miss I Luv Video.
I finally ate at Taco Milagro the other day, and it was good. I've always thought the name (means "miracle taco") was funny. But i think it's location in River Oaks has a lot to do with its consistent success.
Are you such a dreamer
To put the world to rights?
I stay home forever
Where two and two always makes up five
I lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has april's showers
And two and two always makes up five
Its the devil's way now
There is no way out
You can SCREAM IT, you can shout
It is too late now
You're not there !
payin' attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
I try to sing along
But I get it all wrong
'Cause I’m not
'Cause I’m not
I swat 'em like flies but like flies the buggers keep coming back NOT
But I’m not
All hail to the thief
All hail to the thief
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
Don't question my authority or put me in the box
'Cause I'm not
'Cause I'm not
Oh go and tell the king that the sky is falling in
When it's not
But it's not
But it's not
Maybe not
Maybe not

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