Nice weekend now over. Saw the new Prairie View A&M Architecture building on friday; it's neat, except for the baby-shit yellow terrazzo staircase running through the middle. And the studios all seem to be wide open, i guess the desks are locked up?
Anyway, it's seriously the only cool thing that Prairie View, TX has seen in um, forever.
My brother Andrew's poor dog let gravity get the best of him and fell out of the back of Andrew's truck while he was making a turn. Poor widdle puppy. He really is a cool dog: pit bull, solid muscle, black and white coat, and really sweet (but not to dogs that try to fuck w/ him, he will shut your ass down, dog).
I think it's really funny how american conservatives got excited when Stephen Harper was elected prime minister of Canada. he's a conservative (the word naturally has a slightly different definition in Canada) and is the first non-liberal PM is years.
What's even funnier is that a few eskimos and their pet beaver are allowed to be called a country. kidding, really; Canada is great, and if not for the high taxes and brutally cold weather, i would love to live there.
I recently discovered nip/tuck; well, i heard about it it a long time ago, but i just recently watched it. It is awesome.
I watched the wizard of oz while playing dark side of the moon last week. it's kind of cool.
So we scrapped the whole mexican spring break road trip bonanza and have decided instead to go to lovely Beeville, TX where roy's family has a house with all the necessary amenities. We will be bringing guns, lots of guns. and wild turkey.
It's a god-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling "No"
And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
It's on Amerikas tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibeza to the Norfolk Broads
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

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