seriously, it was a nice small town refuge before its back to school. and i convinced my Brother-in-law to read 'Heart of Darkness' which is a great book.
I watched a fantastic football game on wednesday; i really am not a fan of sports but christmas will be renamed to vince young-mas and it wil be moved to vince young's birthday.
My bother-in-law and I destroyed some beer bottles w/ his .40 S&W and a Walther .22
I didn't bring my .32
that was fun, even if my ears were ringing for hours afterward.
I made two sidetrips, one on my way to sherman (nasher) and one on my way out (kimbell/MAMFW).
that was cool. The nasher is quite impressive, though it would be nice to see them put the offices off-site and maximize the interior gallery space. I even saw Mr. Nasher in the conference room. I should've cursed him for being cheap and making people pay to look at the art.
the kimbell is spectacular, though i didn't feel like shelling out $10 to see the gauguin show. louis kahn was good at what he did.
MAMFW is cool as ever, though i was in a hurry and only rushed in to take some photos. and of course play in the big sculpture outside.
I found a 'Series 7: the contenders' DVD at hasting's in sherman. I was so happy, and of all places, i find it in little quasi-oklahoma hickville.
Tonight roy and i threw waterproof firecrackers into the bayou and watched as they quietly detonated below the surface, disturbing a rat/possum(?) that was [____]ing under the bridge.
I realized somthing on my drive into Dallas: i have come to associate DFW w/ bleak landscapes of dry, dead grass fields and bare trees because in the last 14 years since i moved away, i usually have only gone back during the fall/winter to visit family. So maybe i wouldn't get that cold feeling of emptiness if i went in the summer...
nah, dallas blows.
My roommate called the house today while i was on the road and invited me to meet up w/ him (and apparently other houston-based archies that he knows) for a 12-hour tour of the city tommorrow. I dunno, it starts at 8, which is far too early, and i wouldn't really be seeing anything new, but i appreciate the invite nonetheless.
House of leaves, by Mark Danielewski, is one hell of a book. it's a -dare i say it- tour de force.
The mama pajama rolled out of bed, and she ran to the police station
When the papa found out, he began to shout, and he started the investigation
It's against the law, it was against the law
What the mama saw, it was against the law.
The mama looked down and spit on the ground ev'ry time my name gets mentioned
The papa say "Oy, if I get that boy
I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention."
Well, I'm on my way, I don't know where I'm goin',
I'm on my way, I'm takin' my time, but I don't know where.
Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
In a couple of days they come and take me away
But the press let the story leak
And when the radical priest come to get me released
We's all on the cover of Newsweek
and I'm on my way, I don't know where I'm goin'
I'm on my way, I'm takin' my time, but I don't know where
Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
fotos mios

John Chamberlain is one cool dude...

Guess who they voted for...

impromptu architecture lesson w/ my nephew...

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