my collage
nagel house is minimalist sculpture juxtaposed on the landscape. there is also a view of the tower

Nagel House (see: fucking walter gropius, below)

the following is the natural result of being dragged into a flurry of emails exchanged between various parts of my mother's family trying to decide on when to take a cruise (i sent these to the whole fam.):

This week has been okay, we have literally been living and breathing our houses, and i'm confident that I (like Pierre Minard rewriting Don Quijote) could build the house from scratch exactly the way chester nagel did. Next i think we will go out and actually eat the house. perhaps then we will come to some sort of conclusion. All the studios met today in the attic to get the next assignment (my studio got it yesterday); i do not miss that room one bit.
I feel really good about this semester and things are looking up. I have to go home to pack up all of my shit. well, probably not all.
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