dissabte, d’agost 30, 2008
dijous, d’agost 28, 2008
dimecres, d’agost 27, 2008
divendres, d’agost 22, 2008
je t'aime plus tous les jours
I LOVE John Chamberlain
Masturbating Baptist Boys' Clubs!
the boy grew up to order the execution of the teacher's entire family
what I'm reading:

I bought Roy a copy of this book, and it is hilarious.
I'm contemplating a career in photography...
dijous, d’agost 21, 2008
dimarts, d’agost 19, 2008
divendres, d’agost 15, 2008
dijous, d’agost 14, 2008
dimarts, d’agost 12, 2008
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