diumenge, de novembre 06, 2005


Friday the freshmen ARCHies went on a little field trip to see the "Wonder Cave" in San Marcos. I would really like my $7.50 back. This was not one of those cool caverns with stalagmites, etc. It was a big rocky hole under the ground. The coolest part was 1) learning about the aquifer underneath, 2) the fossils in the cieling, 3) the tower that allowed us a 360 view of beautiful San Marcos, and 4) the giant cheeseburger w/ bacon and jalapenos that i destroyed at Whataburger later. The trip was supposed to be a preparation/inspiration for our final design project, which will have something to do with the subterranean environment. However, we came no closer to learning about the final; we received our next project (due tommorrow) in which we will have to manipulate some of the photos we took in the cave. I'm so excited I could cry blood. Although, i guess this sort of project is better than one in which we would have to build something. i only have to play around on photoshop and print some stuff out.
Roy came up to visit this weekend. That was fun.
I found a song that I heard in the silence of the lambs, that i've been wanting a copy of. Its the song thats playing while the girl in the hole is trying to pull the dog down and bill is putting on makeup and dancing about. Every time i see the actor that played Buffalo Bill (he's in Monk, and had a part in Heat) i always think of what he says to himself while he puts on his lipstick and I laugh. A lot.
I discovered the Independent Film Channel over the weekend, and I fell in love. I watched a movie called: "Series 7: The Contenders." It was the craziest, and therefore one of the best movies I have ever seen. Its basically meant to look like a marathon for a fictional reality TV show in which 5 people are chosen randomly, given weapons and are forced to kill one another. The last one left alive wins. Despite the morbid subject, it's a very funny movie. I won't tell you what i thought was funnest because you might think i'm twisted, if you didn't already.


At first flash of Eden
We race down to the sea
Standing there on freedom's shore

Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun

Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun

Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun.
Waiting for the sun
Waiting,, waiting,, waiting,, waiting, waiting,, waiting,,
waiting,, waiting

Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to hear my song
Waiting for you to come along
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong

This is the strangest life I've ever known

Can you feel it
Now that Spring has come
That it's time to live in the scattered sun.

Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun


The view out of my window:

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

HAHAHAHA....Dude, that picture with the flood and the "NO" sign has Brennan written all over it!