dissabte, de desembre 20, 2008

The other day I had the pleasure to watch Der Untergang, which tells of the last days of the Third Reich. It's quite interesting to see how Hitler goes completely off his rocker and then Goebbel's wife kill the kids, and then Goebbels shoots her then himself. Basically everyone dies, mostly via suicide. I recommend it; also there's harldy any mention of incinerating jews, which is refreshing for a movie about the Nazis.
Today I'm getting the hell out of here for the afternoon on pass with my mom. I'm getting a haircut.

divendres, de desembre 19, 2008

The Road to Recovery

fucking hell
Please, Santa!

Well I'm almost out of this treatment center; I have 21 days of sobriety as of today. I will probably be here for Christmas, though I will be allowed to leave and spend Christmas day/eve with family. Subsequent to my release, I will move into a halfway house in the city. This is a very interesting time in my life, and I am very receptive to change. It's actually quite exciting.
I'm reading Sam Delany's Dhalgren, which is most enjoyable. Before that it was Günter Grass' Cat and Mouse, which was also good, albeit a bit weird and slow. Other things I've been reading are the Book of Job, and Alcoholics Anonymous.