dimarts, d’agost 09, 2011

wtf is happening

So I've quit drinking. It's been almost three weeks now. Reza para mi alma.
I've decided, now that I will have more free time on my hands, that I need to spend more time on hobbies. Chief among the ones I favor has for a long time been photography. I'm saving up to buy a Canon 60D. I've also just acquired an old Canon AE-1 and several lenses, and I plan to shoot B&W with that as well as my holga. I will also start to develop my own film. This is something I already have some experience with, and as it is quite easy and inexpensive, it's a great opportunity to flex my creative muscles, which are in a sad state of atrophy these days. I think I may be starting a photo blog with my friend Valery, so that will give me an outlet.

diumenge, de maig 29, 2011

Just saw Monster at the Door con Carlitos. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Now we're going to make chiles rellenos.
Last week we saw Cave of Forgotten Dreams, which was really good.
Oh, and we recently saw two very nice art shows: workworkworkworkwork, and Color in Space and Time.
Speaking of the MFAH, they have just announced that they will seek submissions from three prestigious architecture firms for the design of their new building for modern art. The firms are: Steven Holl, Morphosis, and Snøhetta. I'm excited.

diumenge, d’abril 24, 2011


So my store was actually open today, and I had to work. Slow and boring all day; thanks for the holiday, christians.